Deep Cleansing

Deep Cleansing

A deep cleansing facial is a skincare treatment that focuses on thoroughly cleaning the skin, removing impurities, and improving overall skin health. This type of facial is often recommended for individuals with congested or oily skin, those prone to acne, or anyone looking to refresh and rejuvenate their complexion. Here's what you can typically expect from a deep cleansing facial:

  • Consultation: Before the facial, a skincare professional may conduct a brief consultation to assess your skin type, discuss any specific concerns or issues, and tailor the treatment accordingly.
  • Cleansing: The first step involves cleansing the skin to remove makeup, dirt, and surface impurities. A gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type is typically used.
  • Exfoliation: An exfoliating treatment, such as a scrub or enzyme peel, is applied to remove dead skin cells and promote skin renewal. This step helps improve the texture of the skin and enhances the effectiveness of subsequent treatments.
  • Steam or Warm Towels: Steam or warm towels may be applied to the face to open up the pores. This makes it easier to perform extractions and facilitates a deeper cleanse.
  • Extractions: Manual or mechanical extractions may be performed to remove blackheads, whiteheads, and other impurities from the pores. This step can help prevent breakouts and improve the appearance of the skin.
  • Treatment Masks: Different masks may be applied based on your skin's needs. For a deep cleansing facial, a purifying or clarifying mask is often used to further draw out impurities and balance oil production.
  • Massage: Some deep cleansing facials include a facial massage to promote circulation and relaxation. The massage can help alleviate tension and improve the absorption of skincare products.
  • Toning: A toner may be applied to balance the skin's pH and prepare it for subsequent products.
  • Hydration: A lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer suitable for your skin type may be applied to keep the skin hydrated without clogging pores.
  • Sunscreen: If the facial is performed during the daytime, a broad-spectrum sunscreen may be applied to protect the skin from UV rays.

NOTE: This treatment does not included the use of LED Therapy or High Frequency. Electrotherapy are available in the Premium version.

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Congested Skin

If your skin feels congested with blackheads, whiteheads, or a rough texture, a deep cleansing facial can help to clear out impurities and improve skin texture.

Preventative Skincare

Even if you don't have specific skin issues, regular deep cleansing facials can be part of a preventative skincare routine to maintain healthy and clear skin.

Stressed or Fatigued Skin

If your skin is stressed or fatigued due to factors like pollution, environmental stressors, or lack of proper skincare, a deep cleansing facial can provide a rejuvenating effect.

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Maintenance of Healthy Skin

Incorporating deep cleansing into your skincare routine helps maintain overall skin health. It is an essential step in preventing common skincare issues and promoting a clear and balanced complexion.

Removal of Impurities

Deep cleansing helps to remove dirt, oil and other impurities that can accumulate on the skin's surface. This process can prevent clogged pores, blackheads, and acne breakouts.

Enhanced Product Absorption

When the skin is clean and free of impurities, it is better able to absorb and benefit from skincare products. Moisturizers, serums, and other treatments can penetrate more effectively, providing optimal results.

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Relative contraindication

Irritated Skin: Individuals with irritated skin should avoid deep cleansing treatments until the skin has fully healed. Aggressive exfoliation or deep cleansing may worsen the condition.

Recent Facial Surgery or Cosmetic Procedures: Those who have undergone recent facial surgery or cosmetic procedures should follow their healthcare provider's recommendations regarding skincare routines. In some cases, deep cleansing may need to be postponed until the skin has fully recovered.

Pregnancy / Breastfeeding: Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals should be cautious with certain skincare ingredients used in deep cleansing treatments. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing any deep cleansing procedures during this time.

Recent Use of Harsh Skincare Products: If you have recently used strong chemical peels, retinoids, or other aggressive skincare products, it's recommended to wait before undergoing a deep cleansing treatment to avoid over-exfoliation and irritation.

Use of Certain Medications: Some medications can make the skin more sensitive or prone to adverse reactions. Inform your skincare professional about any medications you are currently taking.

Absolute contraindication

Open Wounds or Lesions: If you have open wounds, lesions, or active infections on your skin, it's crucial to avoid deep cleansing in those areas to prevent further irritation or the spread of infection.

Eczema or Dermatitis Flare-ups: Active eczema or dermatitis flare-ups may be aggravated by deep cleansing. It's advisable to wait until the skin has calmed down before considering such treatments.

Allergies or Sensitivities: If you have known allergies or sensitivities to certain skincare ingredients, it's crucial to communicate this information to your skincare professional to avoid potential adverse reactions.

Chemotherapy or Radiation Treatment: Individuals undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment may have sensitive skin and should consult with their healthcare provider before undergoing deep cleansing treatments.

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90 min



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