Sculpting Massage

Sculpting Massage

Welcome to a transformative journey of body contouring and rejuvenation – introducing our Sculpting Massage. Immerse yourself in a tailored experience designed to sculpt, tone, and enhance your natural beauty, revealing a more confident and revitalized you.

Personalized Contouring: Your body is unique, and so is our approach. Our sculpting massage is tailored to address your specific areas of concern, whether it's targeting cellulite, promoting skin elasticity, or contouring specific muscle groups. Your goals become our guide.

Book Your Sculpting Experience: Ready to unveil a more sculpted and confident version of yourself? Book your Sculpting Massage now and let our skilled therapists sculpt, tone, and rejuvenate your body into a masterpiece.

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Post-Weight Loss

Individuals who have undergone significant weight loss and are looking to address loose skin or areas of stubborn fat can benefit from the sculpting and toning effects of the massage.

Pre-Event Preparation

Individuals preparing for a special event, photo shoot, or occasion may consider the Sculpting Massage for a quick and effective way to enhance muscle definition and promote a more sculpted look.

Maintaining Body Contours

Those interested in maintaining or enhancing their natural body contours as part of their regular self-care routine can incorporate the Sculpting Massage into their wellness regimen.

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Cellulite Reduction

Target areas prone to cellulite, promoting smoother and firmer skin texture.

Enhanced Skin Elasticity

Stimulate collagen production, contributing to improved skin firmness and elasticity.

Muscle Sculpting

Target specific muscle groups for toning and definition, enhancing your body's natural contours.

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Relative contraindication

  • Active Inflammation or Swelling due to Infection:Lymph Drainage Massage should be avoided in areas with active inflammation or swelling caused by an infection.
  • Open Wounds or Skin Infections:The massage should not be performed over open wounds, active skin infections, or areas with compromised skin integrity.
  • Recent Surgery:In the immediate postoperative period, especially for surgeries involving lymph nodes, Lymph Drainage Massage should only be performed with approval from the surgeon or healthcare provider.
  • Pregnancy Complications:While Lymph Drainage Massage is generally safe during pregnancy, individuals with certain pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia, should seek medical clearance.

Absolute contraindication

  • Acute Infections:Individuals with acute infections, such as bacterial or viral infections, should avoid Lymph Drainage Massage until the infection has cleared to prevent the spread of pathogens.
  • Active Cancer:Lymph Drainage Massage may be contraindicated for individuals with active cancer, particularly in areas affected by tumors or metastases. However, it may be suitable in certain cases with medical clearance.
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT):Lymph Drainage Massage is generally contraindicated for individuals with an active or recent history of deep vein thrombosis, as the massage may dislodge a blood clot.
  • Heart Conditions:Individuals with certain heart conditions, especially those with congestive heart failure, should consult with their healthcare provider before undergoing Lymph Drainage Massage.
  • Kidney or Liver Dysfunction:Conditions affecting the kidneys or liver may impact fluid balance in the body. Individuals with these conditions should consult with their healthcare provider before receiving Lymph Drainage Massage.
  • Untreated Hypertension:Individuals with uncontrolled high blood pressure should seek medical advice before undergoing Lymph Drainage Massage, as the massage may influence blood pressure.

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60 min



Course available

Course of 5 + 1 FREE

(SAVE €99.00)

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